
Hi Readers!  This week’s article is about cross-dressing. This is a topic that society doesn’t tend to discuss about very often. This article is a response to a request from one of my readers. And since the aim of this website is education and discovery, why not discover cross-dressing and what it is.  So, whatContinue reading “Cross-dressing”

Sexual Orientation

Hi Readers! Today’s blog post is all about sexual orientation. We will look at the definition as well as different terminology. What is sexual orientation? It is the term used to describe an individual’s sexual, psychological and emotional feelings of attraction towards another person. In other words, sexual orientation is a person’s affection and sexualContinue reading “Sexual Orientation”


Hi Readers! Today’s blog post is about a specific sexual orientation: asexuality. Yes, asexuality is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality, etc. You may have heard people talk about someone being asexual or someone telling you that they are asexual and not knowing how to react, or not knowing what it means orContinue reading “Asexuality”